PhD thesis
I have obtained the PhD degree while working at
the Institute of Informatics,
University of Oslo and Simula
research laboratory in the period from March 2005 to November
2009. The thesis is titled "Implementation and performance aspects of
Kahn process networks" and is available
for download .
Teaching materials
I wrote these materials during my academic years as a student and a TA.
Crash course in C and assembly
This is a text that I wrote to help the students which are
taking the operating systems course (INF 3151/4151) at the
Universty of Oslo. It contains a set of programming guidelines,
small C and X86 assembler tutorial and some code.
Lecture notes in linear temporal logic (LTL)
These notes consist a summary of the material covered in
lectures for the INF5140 course given by prof. Gerardo Schneider
in 2006 at Institute of Informatics, University of Oslo. I
sketched those notes while studying for the exam and scanned
them later. I hope that you will manage to decode my handwriting
Uvod u prolog
Ovaj dokument je kratak uvod u programski jezik PROLOG, nastao na temelju
auditornih vježbi koje je na FER-u tijekom 2000. godine održavao
dr. sc. Siniša Šegvić.
Strukture podataka i algoritmi
Ovo su materijali za predavanja i vježbe iz istoimenog predmeta
koji sam održavao ak. god. 200{3,4,5} na Sveučilištu u Splitu,
Odjel za stručne studije (bivši VEST - Splitsko veleučilište),
smjer računarstvo/programiranje. Materijali su u konstantnoj
izradi (neki naslovi iz sadržaja fale), a i u kodu ima još
grešaka. Bit ću zahvalan na svim uočenim i dojavljenim
Zadaci iz C-a
Zbirka nestandardnih zadataka za rješavanje u C-u.
Journal and conference papers
The list is in a reverse chronological order. DOI links lead to
the abstract and download links on the publisher's site.
A correction to Andersson's fusion tree construction
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.
Theoretical Computer Science (2013).
The Nornir run-time system for parallel programs using Kahn process networks on multi-core machines - A flexible alternative to MapReduce
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.; Beskow, P.; Espeland, H.; Johansen, D.
The Journal of Supercomputing, January 2013, Volume 63, Issue 1, pp 191-217.
Program obfuscation by strong cryptography
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.
The International Dependability Conference, 2010. ARES '10. International Conference on, 15-18 February, 2010.
A simple improvement of the work-stealing scheduling algorithm
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.
Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2010. CISIS '10. International Conference on , 15-18 February, 2010.
The Nornir Run-time System for Parallel Programs Using Kahn Process Networks
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, Pal; Griwodz, Carsten; Beskow, Paul; Johansen, Dag
Network and Parallel Computing, 2009. NPC '09. Sixth IFIP International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-8, 19-21 Oct. 2009.
This paper received the best student paper award.
Limits of Work-Stealing Scheduling
Vrba, Z.; Espeland, H.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 2009. JSSPP '09. 15th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 29 May 2009.
Kahn Process Networks are a Flexible Alternative to MapReduce
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.; Beskow, P.
High Performance Computing and Communications, 2009. HPCC '09. 11th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.154-162, 25-27 June 2009.
Evaluating the Run-Time Performance of Kahn Process Network Implementation Techniques on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Vrba, Z.; Halvorsen, P.; Griwodz, C.
Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2009. CISIS '09. International Conference on , vol., no., pp.639-644, 16-19 March 2009.
Study of Server Workload in Large Online Newspaper
Vrba, Z.; Plagemann, T.; Goebel, V.; Paneda, X.G.
Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2006. ICDCS Workshops 2006. 26th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp. 52-52, 04-07 July 2006